Missing terms from programming standards
The programming standards define these additional terms / acronyms, which I think are general enough to be included here:
\newglossaryentry{Unit Test}{name={Unit Test}, description={Automated tests written and run by software developers to ensure that a section of an application (known as the "unit") meets its design and behaves as intended (see e.g. \cite{Hamil2004}).}}
\newglossaryentry{work-package}{name={Work-package}, description={The term Work-Package is used to refer to the work required for the development of each Product, for example the MST work-package. Products are to be delivered to the CTA Observatory. To its participants a work-package is a project in its own right with interfaces to CTA and other work-packages and products. \href{https://jama.cta-observatory.org/perspective.req\#/items/2998?projectId=6}{CTA-GLOS-474}.}}
\newacronym{CDR}{CDR}{Critical Design Review}
\newacronym{FPGA}{FPGA}{Field Programmable Gate Array}
\newacronym{HMI}{HMI}{Human Machine Interface}
\newacronym{IDE}{IDE}{Integrated Development Environment}
\newacronym{PC}{PC}{Project Committee}
\newacronym{PLC}{PLC}{Programmable Logic Controller}
\newacronym{PLD}{PLD}{Programmable Logic Device}
\newacronym{RHEL}{RHEL}{Red Hat Enterprise Linux}
Edited by Maximilian Linhoff