First implementation of FRAM data analysis
It is due time to have a first code prototype for FRAM data analysis. The implemented functionality should be:
- Read FRAM files
- Select Voronoi cell (i.e. AOD value) given a telescope pointing in (RA, dec). First algorithm choice the KDTree.
- Subtract the AOD that corresponds to clear night.
- Create cloud(s) out of the additional to clear night AOD.
- Implement a Cloud class (do we really need a class? To be discussed)
- Define what is a cloud object:
- an extinction profile whose integrated AOD is equal to the additional AOD
- has a defined height and thickness
- the AOD inside the cloud limits follows a uniform/gaussian distribution (or something more elaborate?). The first implementation could be simply gaussian.
- The produced cloud profile should then be rebinned according to the extinction profile binning
- The code prototype should produce a cloud profile / minute in a format that can be easily added to the Rayleigh scattering extinction profile.
Here we stop with the functionality of the first prototype. The final product of the FRAM analysis should be a full extinction profile / minute (aka extinction hypercube) including the purely molecular atmosphere extinction (Rayleigh + ozone) and the clear night aerosols. But we can leave this for later after discussing with the simpipe colleagues in order to understand what they actually need in order to run their tools, how often etc...
PS: shall we create a release 1 milestone?