Interface with ACADA UC: Atmospheric calibration main method
The interface between the monitoring instruments and DPPS will be provided by ACADA
What is the expected correct behavior?
We are currently drafting the Interface Control Documents with ACADA, which will soon be also available to you.
For the moment, it will look like the following:
ACADA will transfer to DPPS both raw data (from FRAM and Raman LIDAR) and pre-processed data (i.e. the Voronoi-tesselated extinction maps for FRAM and the extinction profile at two wavelengths from Raman LIDAR).
DPPS CalibPipe shall normally work on the pre-processed data (e.g. for normal level-C analysis) and store these in the DB.
DPPS CalibPipe shall normally also just pass through the raw data to storage in the DB
Only in the case of major releases of the pre-processing (FRAM and/or LIDAR) software and a complete re-calibration of historic CTA science data, CalibPipe will need to run the (new release) of the pre-processing software packages. These will be provided, though, by the in-kind contributors, i.e. the Czech academy of science and the "Barcelona Raman LIDAR" consortium.
We still have to agree and negotiate with CTA Computing about the scope of this pre-processing software and how to make it fit into the general software scheme. For the moment, these need to be seen as external software libraries.