Explore projects
Notes related to the CTA simulation pipeline software.
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Discussion of metadata and data format examples of data used for the simulation model
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Simulation Models for the simulation system of the CTAO Observatory.
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Simulation Model Parameters for the simulation system of the CTAO Observatory.
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this is the official git repository for BDMS, Bulk Data Management System client- and server- side
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CTAO Data Processing and Preservation System.
This is the main repository for the CTAO DPPS, containing integration tests, documentation and releases.
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This package defines DataPipe integration and releases (conda envs, containers, etc)
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CTA-customized version of the DIRAC middleware
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Dependency for computing documents: shared latex class, bibliography, makefile, etc.
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Template project for a CTA Computing LaTeX document, with automatic glossary inclusion
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Place to collect terminology used in CTA Computing documents
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Rucio Policy Package to configure schemas, permissions etc. for BDMS