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Labels 64

  • UC-170-1.1
    cta-computing / dpps
    Deploy BDMS/Rucio central services
  • UC-170-1.2
    cta-computing / dpps
    Deploy BDMS/FTS central services
  • UC-170-1.3
    cta-computing / dpps
    Deploy BDMS/Rucio central services
  • UC-170-1.4
    cta-computing / dpps
    Deploy BDMS/FTS central services
  • UC-170-1.5
    cta-computing / dpps
    Deploy WMS/DIRAC central services
  • UC-170-1.6
    cta-computing / dpps
    Configure at least two DPPS storage elements
  • UC-180-1.1
    cta-computing / dpps
    Workload-BDMS: add and retrieve back a file from BDMS using Workload
  • UC-180-2.3
    cta-computing / dpps
    Workload: Run a single-job workflow
  • action-item
    cta-computing / dpps
    Action item identified in a meeting for followup
  • atmosphere
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe
    Issues and MRs related to atmospheric calibrations shall feature this label
  • bug
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe / calibpipe
  • camera
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe
    Issues and MRs related to Camera Calibration functionality shall feature this label
  • discussion
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe / calibpipe
  • done
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe / calibpipe
  • enhancement
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe / calibpipe
  • fram
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe
    Issues and MRs related to FRAM functionality shall feature this label
  • in progress
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe / calibpipe
  • lidar
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe
    Issues and MRs related to LIDAR functionality shall feature this label
  • muon
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe
    Issues and MRs related to calibrations with muons functionality shall feature this label
  • pointing
    cta-computing / dpps / CalibPipe
    Issues and MRs related to pointing calibrations shall feature this label