Flat-field monitoring
Description: The DPPS receives a new DL0 data product and the CalibPipe calculates the corresponding flat-field coefficients with an analysis uncertainty below 2% rms, using the flat-field events flagged by ACADA.
Cameras will be flat-fielded at a lower frequency, the CalibPipe will simply analyse flasher events in data recorded during each observation block, interleved with other events (muon, air shower, pedestal etc), to monitor the camera flat-fielding that will vary in time.
Alternative scenario or separate use case: Calculation of flat-field coefficients from muon events.
Related requirements:
- B-DPPS-3560: Flat-field coefficients with an analysis uncertainty of less than 2% rms for each night of observations shall be extracted within the DPPS.
- B-DPPS-37xx: The DPPS shall calculate alternative flat-fielding coefficients from muon analysis and use these to monitor and improve the accuracy of the coefficients obtained with the flat-field device.
Related issues
Edited by Gregoire.Uhlrich