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Addition of trigger, camera, and structure parameters and corresponding workflows.

Gernot Maier requested to merge trigger-parameters into main

This PR adds the trigger, camera, and structure parameters and corresponding workflows in the new schema.

Important to check that all additional files (e.g., reflectivity files) are described now consistently in the parameter files.

There are some parts of the descriptions which need further improvements - feel free to comment on them here but I will note them down for a future pull request:

  • to be done: consistent usage of Source field (actually not sure if we need to work on that or if we should replace this in future if a more detailed description of the interfaces and input data)
  • to be done: consistent usage of condition fields in relation with instrument:type

Also want to point out that there is a case of introducing for some parameter description descriptor like anyOf, `oneOf, etc, is done in Java schema.

Edited by Gernot Maier

Merge request reports